
Home. Facing the Sun.


                                                                         Cari’s here!

To battle jetlag you must not take time so seriously.

You also can try some hangover remedies (because jetlag can make you feel like you beer bonged your way home) specifically the kinds that include raw eggs and V8 juice.

But what really works is to stay up until midnight local time and no matter what –go to sleep at midnight local time - and I am trying - at all costs. Even if it means one more Michelob Ultra Lime Cactus flavored drink and one more episode of Unwrapped. (I’m obviously a tastemaker and gourmet)

I have every intention of posting mindscrambling photo essays of my trip. Soon. You can look forward to: impressive taxidermy, Arizona Jaguars, giant cactus, ill ballerinas and fresh desert dancers, infinite hot land love, measurable friendship, wings of airplanes, LA light, and a bit o green-tinted Dodger Stadium.

Til then. Hang tuff.


1 comment:

Drew said...

Chase has a kid-crush on you. He fell in love with you again (the first time was at the Robot exhibit) during the hour you pushed him on the swing.