
My Crew in Overton Park

I won’t be walking the Old Forest Trail alone in Overton (again) if only to avoid a contact high from the other people (that don’t much look like they are out for their constitutionals – the hand-rolled cigarettes being a tip off).  I also want to avoid snakes, men with golf clubs, women in high-heels, giant trees hovering overhead on quite seriously - their last limbs, mosquitoes, and dive-bombing dragonflies (all present on the trail).

Of course, there is the option of forming my own vigilante crew, a dream I have had since childhood (not Overton Park specific – just the Vigilante Crew part).  We would be the Park Patrol Posse or the Old Forest Trail Blazers and probably wear green satin jackets emboridered with a map of the trail and green kerchiefs to blend (but also shine) amongst the trees and bags of grass. We’d carry nets to catch mosquitoes or offer to walk alongside walkers/joggers while holding torches of citronella. Maybe we’d walk a few yards ahead of em to throw rocks into the trails to scare of the snakes. And no doubt we would specialize in hooker/John mediation.  Because our motto would be; No one has to get bugged out in the woods.

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