
Tiger's Milk

Originally uploaded by kayekilla.

I don’t know if it’s because I have been actively trash talking the entertainment qualities of “An Inconvenient Truth” or because of the terrifying surge in death-by-weather news stories but lately I have been nervous about getting stranded in bad weather. So on my last road trip, in addition to Combos, I purchased a Tigers Milk bar. I am pretty sure that these are included in C-Rations and anything that keeps soldiers alive and alert is something I want to have on my dashboard. Because it includes the actual milk of a tiger, the bar retains its nutritional and life-sustaining qualities regardless of the number of times it is melted and reformed.

The bar is on my dashboard just in case something happens to the back of my vehicle like a giant falling rock or intentional rear-ending by a high desert serial killer. In the back of my ride I have a first aid kit with aspirin, band aids, and ointment. Ointment that will prevent infection on any scrape I get while clawing my way out of an avalanche. The kit (available on drugstore.com) also includes a silver blanket. But I am totally sure that I wouldn’t be able to sleep with that thing because I need the weighty assurance of a down comforter.

I thought that most of my friends would find this information useful in case I go missing. You all should hope that there isn’t more than two or more of you with me when or if that happens because the tigers milk bar is not indicated for splitting into anything more than thirds. Anyway, I have a survival plan that gives me at least two or three days lead time advantage. This should prevent any disturbances in weekend plans in the event that I go missing on a Friday.

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