
High drama notes (including Gossip Girl spoiler) from the past few days:

Weekend: Too much brunch and beer. Zero unpacking. One load of laundry.
Shell Show: Big Star plus guests like Brendon Benson and lots of rain.
Netflix: Rather liked "Tetro" and the DVD extras about the real life radio show put on by the crazies in Buenos Aires. 
Gossip Girl: Chuck Bass is bleeding!
Literature: Reading a little book called The Great Gatsby - interrupted constantly by B showing me some Andy Kauffman video on youtube - so I have decided to finish the second half by reading this classic out loud because I was inspired and because it is harder to interrupt an out-loud reader.
Lunch Today: Spent an hour on the phone with the appetite-inducing IRS (multi-task alert: ate PB&J and made bed while talking to agent - didn't have chance to read any Gatsby to her but tried to slip in a few references to the roaring twenties and called her Daisy - hey - confusion to the enemy.) 

S Kaye

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1 comment:

kfw said...

hilarious! just wait, one of the favors is a choice of FSF book so you are about to read another out loud, methinks The Beautiful and The Damned or The Last Tycoon (it's all Hollywood!)