
Wheels on Wheels

Don’t you want to live forever?

That’s what I ask my car every time before I turn the key. The ignition lock cylinder is kind of like a ready-to-retire lady of the evening – a little too loose for use. These things wear out after a lot of turns so each ignition could be the last (or the last until I come up with the lordalmighty knows how much cheddar to fix it). Great White, as she is known, is fifteen years old and needs inspirational talk every day – mostly with open-ended metaphysical questions. She likes to be driven around on Sunday mornings so she can listen to Car Talk (I told you she was old) and she loves Steve McQueen and H.B. Halicki.  She  hates any new VW Bug customized with flowers and is unimpressed with tailgaters and bikefreaks. What can I say?

I was behind this sculptural masterpiece on my drive home today:


One blue, one black, and a push broom.  Gorgeous.

1 comment:

kfw said...

Loved this. Part funny, part purdy.