

I lived in a Motel 6 in a working class suburb of St. Louis, MO for a few months when I was just nineteen. That’s a fact stored deep in my bag of “check-out-this-sh*t”-facts that I carry in case someone in a group is getting more attention than me. It’s not like I am that annoying – I use the Motel 6 story way before, “I can tie a cherry stem in knot with my tongue…”

When I was living in the motel with my BF, I got one of my favorite jobs ever, working at a cosmetics counter in a mall. Loved the job, loved putting eye-shadow on older ladies – you would not believe how much the human eyelid varies from person to person – and I loved getting free make-up and selling really expensive face cream. However, I was pretty lonely and didn’t like going to mall bars with my department store coworkers and my BF was always busy working so I was on my own most of the time.

Like many others suffering from social issues who eventually turn to animals, I filled the hole in my existence by visiting a great dane puppy at the mall pet store every day I worked. He was kind of blue-ish grey with dark spots and from what I remember, very hyper.  I named him Sisco (pre-thong song) and I never knew if he found a good home because I quit to go to Mardi Gras with a friend. Those were the 90s, you could just quit jobs on Friday and get another one on Monday.

I thought those days were long gone, however, I find myself turning back to animals for guidance and companionship, but I’ve moved up from pet stores and on to the zoo. Behold my new part-time friends:


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2011-03-13 17.12.04_Memphis_Tennessee_US

*The cheetah kind of reminds me of Sisco.

The zoo is walking distance from our place and ever since I got a membership I’ve been going so much I figure I should get a good khaki outfit and a walking stick and start giving animal talks. I might wait for my hair to go a little gray first (and for my mascara to fall off my eyelashes). For now, I am pretty sure I will start a separate blog called “Overheard Parental Disinformation at the Zoo” but it will have to be anonymous because I fear retaliation for outing grown people that don’t know the difference between a zebra and a goat, so you will have to forget you ever read about it here.


Molly Donahue said...

this just made me laugh very hard. thank you for that.
and that dirty polar bear nearly made me cry. emotional tick tock!!!

kfw said...

i sniffled and giggled. i'm actually disappointed when i meet people who've never worked in a mall! so many stories, cookie cake, glamour shots, jack and coke's at Applebee's, and trying on prom dresses with no intent to buy.

S K said...

Molly - don't worry - that Polar bear just has a special haricut because she has to live in Memphis - she's not really dirty, dirty.

Kimberly - where did you work in the mall? I also worked at "Contempo Casuals" AND "Glamour Shots" but that's not a blog post - that's a book...

S K said...

and I don't know why I had to capiltalize "polar bear"..... I guess I feel that they are very important.

kfw said...

I worked at a low-brow Claire's sorta kiosk where I pierced ears and I worked at Bath and Body Works. Agreed. Novella at the very least! By the way, I just talked to my little bro and sure enough he got ideas for his screenplay but he never wants to ride Greyhound again!

Molly Donahue said...

HAHAHA! contempo casuals was my FAVORITE!!!!!!!!