
The Season

IMAG5317 IMAG5274

I don’t like pumpkin spice lattes but I like pumpkin-faced stone animals and pumpkin muffins dripping with cream cheese frosting.


I was in the middle of teaching class on Wednesday when the corrections officer walks in and says “Everyone has to leave now. Inclement weather.” And I said “Great. Y’all go back to your bunkers and I will get in my small compact car and drive through Arkansas’ Tornado Alley.

When I stepped outside I saw a pinkish grey sky to the east and a black death cloud to the west. I checked my weather app and made a very uneducated and uninformed decision that as long as I drove 65 miles and hour, I could beat the storm. So I hopped in my car and got on the freeway. That storm, with the big, black billowing clouds and sky-spanning lightening, was to my back and side the whole forty-five mile ride home. I was absolutely convinced that the storm and my car would meet right in the middle of the Mississippi River Bridge and I would be blow off into Ol Muddy oblivian.

It didn’t happen. I made it back despite the huge wind gusts that were bending over street signs and sending armadillos flying through the air. About ten minutes after I was back inside, safe, and sound in my apartment, the storm came.

The next day I took a walk through the old-growth forest in Overton Park and look what the storm blew in:


December 2012. Were the Mayans right?

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