
I Am ... Sasha Fierce

There reaches a point in any long endeavor where the endeavee crosses over, loses her mind, takes everything her friends say and everything that is too blue or too red or too still, and the fact that SNL Election update wasn't funny enough, personally. I worry that I may have a stroke before election day and I blame it all on undecided voters. (yeah, yeah I heard ol smushvoice wrote something funny bout em already -- it's all hilarious until the stroke)

On the phones yesterday a woman told me she doesn't know YET if she is going to vote for Obama. "I'm just not sure he has enough experience." Well aren't you interesting. What a thinker. Would you say it's really the lesser of two evils? Because I think you are really saying something there that hasn't been put quite so eloquently ever before. It's not about who she is or isn't going to vote for. It's that she doesn't know. Look, Em and I ran into a guy that said he wasn't going to vote because he was already aware of the five parties and the women of 18 years is just about done with her two year term and mars, and space, and nickel nuts. Makes sense? Well F no but at least he knew what he believed. I prefer the "I'm writing in my cat" crowd.

I'm sure this election is the one event in her life where she (the undecided voter) feels like she has power over someone. Unless she is one of those office Wo-Man-agers Cari and I love to discuss. Then she gets a surge of elation with every vacation day she denies. Anyway, I told her "Well I'm not sure YOU have enough experience - you're the dumbass that picked up the phone at 8:30pm from an unidentified caller. Eat sh**"

One more vote for Barack, I'm sure.

E told me that she is starting to break down too. Everything seems so divided. The Elites and the Plumbers. The oppressed and the people that believe in conspiracy theories because they want to be oppressed. The News and The Free Press. The Phillies and the Rays. Lee and Levis. Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship. I just want to be whole again and go back to hating people for regular stuff. I prefer judge a person by what they drive or what their facial hair looks like, not by what they think for goshsakes.

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