
My friend K** swears that watches don't work on her. It runs in her family - they didn't work on her grandmother either. Magnetic anti-time bones or something. The battery on my cell phone has stopped holding a charge. This was a huge problem when I was lost in the formidable Auburn Hills area the other night. I had to stop at a 7-11 to plug in my phone in the outlet next to the ATM so I could text B for directions. The teen boy working the counter was totally maddoggin me and I was like "dude don't act like I'm the only one affected by the energy crisis" and I bought a Vernors to appease him and his dumb 7-11 laws. I couldn't finish it all because it's a sneezy drink that should be sipped slowly and my nerves were shot. I had heard stories about being north of 8 mile for too long. You could wind up in a condo or the Detroit Zoo. And go figure, my phone ran out of juice ten minutes after I got on the road and I was forced to stop at a Target to plug the phone back in kattycorner from customer service. Lesson learned: The busier a place the more people mind their own business. I could have been firing off remote detonated department store explosives for all they cared. Later that night B told me that I should get a charger that works in my car. Yeah right. That is how they get you. You can't just keep throwing money at all the problems of life. When would it end? The Dodge Nitro has a plug, like a regular AC/DC outlet, in the back near a net that holds your sports balls and fishing poles. Maybe I should just buy a new car then?

1 comment:

kellyk said...

you should buy a new car and race us to LA.